Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Blog workshops

Not one of my best headlines. Ahem. I'm with Alexei Sayle when he says workshop is one of the worst words in the English language. However, on Monday and Tuesday next week Dan Hogan and I will be heading up four workshops to get everyone up to speed and answer the question: why should journalists read or write blogs?

Details of the workshops are on Media 2 with a list of links. Here are some more blogs and sites that are worth looking at - South Korea's OhMynews (as long as you can read Korean but there is always the international version. Click on to it find out why the International Herald Tribune is considering using some of the material. instapundit and this story on BBC guidelines for Beeb blogs.

If you need cheering up BA third year student, Andrew McGill, recommends this.

Any more I need to know about?

(Updated on June 7 2006 with amendment about IHT.)


Blogger Andrés Meza Escallón said...

I have a blog since last year and I am insterested in both online and printed journalism. One option to make my postgraduate studies is Bournemouth University and before going there I would like to know more about the Media School, the city, the people... what can you tell me about these issues?

Thanks in advance.

12:26 PM  
Blogger Liisa Rohumaa said...

Hi Andres,

I would highly recommend the MA course (1 yr) which will give you and keep you up to speed on print and web skills. Bournemouth is a great place to study and the university has a great atmosphere. Of course, I am biased as I grew up round here! Go to www.bournemouth.ac.uk

12:34 PM  

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